AuroraHDR is now shipping and holy moley it's awesome

AuroraHDR is now shipping and holy moley it's awesome

Regular readers know that I am sometimes overly cautious about HDR. It can be a highly subjective effort in terms of outcome and drives a wide range of responses.  I don't personally subscribe to the "HDR Must Die" school of thought, but I personally prefer more realistic uses of dynamic range extension over the glow in the dark nuclear waste look that some folks love.  The outcome is your art, how you get there determines the ease, flexibility and customization available to you as you make your art.  I wasn't blown away to hear of another HDR software tool but I have been very pleased with everything I have used from the folks at Macphun so gave them the benefit of the doubt.  I did so because they write excellent software, limited only by its availability only on the Macintosh.  The acclaimed photographer, Trey Ratcliff, was heavily involved in the development, and that in itself will draw many buyers.  What really matters is how incredibly good this product is!

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