The Photo Video Guy

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Your Challenge, If You Dare

Hi folks. The name of this site intentionally says that it is for creatives who embrace the craft of photography as well as the craft of videography. We know, however, that many committed photographers shy away from video for a variety of reasons. I have done some data oriented research and the list of reasons why not is quite short and that means it is possible to get past these self imposed barriers.

Top Photographer’s Reasons for Not Shooting Video

  • I don’t have anything to say

  • I don’t understand video

  • I don’t know how

  • I don’t want to learn new things

  • I only like stills, even though I have never shot video

It’s an interesting list and demonstrates that the barriers to shooting video are all in one’s head and nowhere else. Let’s examine these popular responses and see if they can hold water.

I Don’t Have Anything to Say

If this were true, and we all know that it is not, the photographer would never make a photograph. That person might take pictures but never engage in the craft of photography. Since they do engage in the craft, they do have something to say, so this excuse is just that. An excuse, and a lazy one at that.

I Don’t Understand Video

This answer is believable but only so far. If the photographer has ever watched a film or a television show, he or she has the fundamentals of video. It’s the story, however well or badly told. The technology exists in every camera today, and manufacturers continue to emphasize video with each new model. It is as easy to shoot video on your interchangeable lens camera as it is on your smartphone, with the benefits of significantly better quality, even if one only every uses fully automatic mode.

I Don’t Know How

This, like the first answer, is a bit lame. Video is no harder than making a still image, and in many cases might be easier because it reduces the demand for the “decisive” moment. Yes the outcome is different, but different does not mean wrong or evil.

I Don’t Want to Learn New Things

This is a very honest answer, but I would then ask, “if so, why do you photograph?” Every photograph that one makes is a learning experience. When not, the outcomes are often boring or uncomplying. This doesn’t mean that the photographer should pack it all in, but why put oneself in a cage?

I Only Like Stills

Ok. This means that film and television, or YouTube or your smartphone are all foreign concepts and actively avoided. In the words of Colonel Sherman Potter (look it up) “horse-pucky”. Not liking more often means afraid, and as the person is already engaged in the craft of photography, there is nothing to fear.

Your Challenge

When you next go out to make a photograph, I double dog dare you, before you move to the next subject to shoot a 3-5 second video clip and feel free to use Full Auto so as not to be “intimidated by the technology”. That we all understand is more HP.

Let’s suppose that you photograph flowers. Perhaps you do so outdoors where there might be a breeze. You work hard to get the shutter speed that you want to achieve your photographic goal, so why not shoot a clip of the flower moving in the breeze? What have you lost? 5 seconds? What if that clip tells a different story from your still? What if a critter alights on the flower and flies off after you have made your still?

Let’s suppose that you photograph your children or grandchildren or other family members. You get the still you want, but that still rarely tells the real story, particularly of young people. The short clip that you make may actually tell a more accurate and truthful story.

Let’s suppose that you are photographing aircraft in flight. A plane frozen in the frame, without any kind of interesting gesture is boring. What if instead you shoot a short clip of that plane taking off or coming in for a landing, complete with the sound of the engine roar. Much more powerful.

Let’s say that you have a pet that you love to photograph. I used to have half-wolves as pets, and while I could make lovely still portraits, it is the clips of Kara and Kodi “singing” that are the most memorable. Or one of the cats being a cat, looking at its human with all the disdain a cat can show then walking away whilst showing its butt. That’s a real cat story.

Will You Do It? Are You Brave Enough to Try?

Go for it! What have you got to lose? A few minutes? What if you find out that you have been missing great opportunities and add the craft of video to your craft of photography. You already have all the tools, they are in the interchangeable lens camera that you already have.

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