The Photo Video Guy

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Marketing Tips for Wedding Photographers

You'll never get the chance to make an image like this if you don't market yourself

Yeah, you know that I don't shoot weddings any more.  That was a personal decision some years back and so far, I am good with it.  I do believe however that wedding photography is a very serious business requiring a serious commitment and lots of skill development.  I have coached photographers in building successful wedding photography and hybrid businesses, because much of being a successful wedding photographer, means being more than being an excellent creative.  

Jaimie over at ShootDotEdit noticed a post I had made about some really disparaging statements made over at Brides magazine and asked if I would be willing to share a link to their site where they have made a document on Marketing Tips for Wedding Photographers available.

I wanted to read the article before linking to it and after doing so, I have to agree that it's worthwhile.  They have taken their own content but also built in links to other sites and other available tools.  While I believe that all the tips are useful to wedding photographers, I more importantly believe that they are practical for any kinds of people photographers, tuned to fit your clientele.

Let's be honest.  No one is building rockets to Neptune here.  The guidance is not secret nor rocket science.  It is practical and usable and free from the deluge of foo foo dust trash that so fills the Internet.

I have no relationship with ShootDotEdit.  I was not paid to link to their site and I get nothing if you choose to deal with them for their services.  Call it paying things forward and we're good.

Read the article here.  You can also register to download guides and other materials.

Have an idea for an article or tutorial?  Do you have a question photo or video unrelated to this article?  Send me an email directly at or post in the comments.

If you're in Canada, please consider shopping with Henry's in your local store or at  If you're in the United States and shop with B&H Photo Video, please consider doing so through the link on as this helps support my efforts and has no negative impact whatsoever on your shopping experience.   The product images in this article are hyperlinked to B&H for your convenience.

If you find the podcast or articles of value, consider clicking the Donation tab in the sidebar of the website and buy me a coffee.  Your donation goes to help me keep things going.  Email your questions on any photo or video topic and I will try to respond within a day.

I'm Ross Chevalier, thanks for reading, and until next time, peace.